Friday, September 28, 2007

Least favorite EMS radio reports

Feel free to add your own...

-Patient was unresponsive on EMS arrival, but is combative in the back of the ambulance after 2mg of Narcan.....and I think they have been incontinent....

-This is EMS III, Status 2 traffic, approximately 3-5 out with MVC patient and their left foot.....

-Patient is well known to us, hospice patient with end stage CA, on arrival patient in respiratory arrest, family begged us to 'do something' patient has ETT now, no spontaneous respirations.....

-(from a 1st responder) Patient A&O x3, unresponsive to painful stimuli.......huh?


EE said...

-(from a 1st responder) Patient A&O x3, unresponsive to painful stimuli.......huh?

They volunteer? :) Please tell me he isn't a certified First Responder!

Mudme said...

Ayup, he is. The medics I work with at the hospital are amazing, but some of the smaller towns in this area have some pretty elementary first responders.

Patrick Bageant said...
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